The Faithforthejourney’s Podcast

Suffering and trials come to all of us. We search for answers during these periods, only coming up empty, it seems. Leaving us feeling unseen, unheard, and confused. Faith for the journey’s hope is to help strengthen your faith, find meaning, and understand what God purposed in His heart for you as you navigate life.

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Sunday May 05, 2024

Slowing down and taking stock of our lives is crucial for maintaining balance and perspective. When we're constantly rushing and busy, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters to us and what deserves our time and attention.
By pausing and reflecting, we can gain clarity on our priorities and goals. This allows us to make more intentional decisions about how we spend our time and energy, focusing on the things that align with our values and bring us fulfillment.
Moreover, taking time to gather ourselves can help prevent burnout and improve overall well-being. It gives us the opportunity to recharge mentally, emotionally, and physically, ensuring that we can continue to perform at our best in the long run.
In essence, slowing down isn't just about being unproductive; it's about being purposeful and strategic in how we invest our resources. It's about recognizing that productivity isn't ?

"Getting Past It."

Sunday Apr 21, 2024

Sunday Apr 21, 2024

Are you stalled? Is Resentment, overthinking, fear, and shame keeping you from moving onto the life you ache about? It took the Israelites hundreds of years to get to their promised destination. Historians say the trip should have been no more than 11 days. Some of them died and did not make it!!  Some made it much later. In this episode, we identify and face what is causing the “stall”, get a clearer understanding of the source, and choose “getting past it.”
Join us as we continue to embrace the possibilities.
#Promised destination
#Moving forward
#Embracing possibilities

"Loosen Your Grip"

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Suffering and hardships are here to stay-- we cannot escape them! But, we have a choice about how we relate or respond to suffering and hardships. One of the ways that we humanly respond is by asking why. And, no one has an answer! Yes, there are no simple answers for the traumas we have "been dealt" or future ones. But, how we choose to suffer (respond or relate) can allow us to meet them or be buried and decimated by them. This is so true for me and I am almost sure this is true for you. Join us as we continue to embrace the possibilities.

"Paradox Of Healing"

Sunday Mar 31, 2024

Sunday Mar 31, 2024

“Go and wash in the pool if Siloam” are the words of Jesus to the blind man to receive his sight. Often, our healing does not come in the way we expect, prefer, or worse—at all. Then what? This episode continues cultivating faith for this existential journey on earth by 1. Continuing to acknowledge the realities of life being a struggle; 2. Identify what increases our suffering; and 3. How to begin to relate objectively to our pain, traumas, and disillusionment in this life? After all, the gem is in the rough meaning that diamonds found in nature are rough and uneven. So, it is with our lives. Join us as we continue to embrace the possibilities.

"Seeing It Through"

Sunday Mar 24, 2024

Sunday Mar 24, 2024

The "rough is mental." How we relate to our disillusionment, hurts, disappointments, and hardships cultivates the faith to "see it through."  Listen to this episode to look at:
How and why we are subject to the fallenness (existentialism) of this world.
How to relate or respond by recognizing the freedom that is yours to find uniqueness in oneself; thus, the meaning for your life.
Let's continue to embrace the possibilities to cultivate faith for the journey.

"When Life Hurts" Part 2

Sunday Mar 17, 2024

Sunday Mar 17, 2024

Many times, we (me) have been afraid to move toward God--doubt, unbelief, pain, hurt, and scars keep us bound. But God moves towards us through those "things." There's a transformation that takes place and is ongoing, especially through the "things" that happen. Join us as we face "Life Hurts" head-on. We continue to look at the "existential things", practices that cultivate faith, through the "exceptions."

"When Life Hurts"

Sunday Mar 10, 2024

Sunday Mar 10, 2024

Many times, we (me) have been afraid to move toward God--doubt, unbelief, pain, hurt, and scars keep us bound. But God moves towards us through those "things." There's a transformation that takes place and is ongoing, especially through the "things" that happen. Join us as we face "Life Hurts" head-on. We continue to look at the "existential things", practices that cultivate faith, and the "exceptions."

"Why Your Story Matters."

Sunday Mar 03, 2024

Sunday Mar 03, 2024

"Unknown yet fully known." There are so many "things" that happen in our lives-- existential circumstances that can cause you to feel like your story does not matter. People who come in the form of antagonists cause a great deal of harm (lots of traumas) social conditions, broken dreams, and the list is endless. This podcast begins to identify these "things" (Call them out) that have been sent and to try and seal the message that you do not matter. In this episode, we continue to allow the "first rain" to pour on these hard places so that that "latter rain" will come and cause to bear fruit--- that Your Story Matters!" Join us as we continue to embrace the possibilities.

Sunday Feb 25, 2024

"When we stop re-reading the last chapter of our life, we leave room to write a new one." People who did not finish their stories can be lessons for us. Lessons about many things--but maybe lessons about faith and what the external and the impermanent things of life do to impact us finishing our story.
Join us as we embrace the possibilities.

Sunday Feb 18, 2024

"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let go." These words of Henry David Thoreau are at the heart of our talk in Faith for the Journey, Episode #3.  We continue to look at the existential "things" and "circumstances" that are snuffing out people's desire to live. We also look at the working definition of faith, the composition of "faith", and the holding place or capacity for faith.  Episode#3 continues to provide a safe place for each of us to embrace possibilities.


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